Microsoft Security Auditing

Microsoft Windows security auditing; Type: Failure Audit. Failure Code: 0x12. 1 Comment for event id 4771 from source Microsoft Windows security auditing. Ntlm Hash Cracker.

Ati Windows Gamer Edition X64 Bit. Event Id 4771 Source Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing Description Kerberos pre-authentication failed. Account Information: Security ID: Account Name: Service Information: Service Name: Network Information: Client Address: Client Port: Additional Information: Ticket Options: Failure Code: Pre-Authentication Type: Certificate Information: Certificate Issuer Name: Certificate Serial Number: Certificate Thumbprint: Event Information Cause: Windows logs other instances of event ID 4768 when a computer in the domain needs to authenticate to the DC typically when a workstation boots up or a server restarts. In these instances, you'll find a computer name in the User Name and fields. Computer generated kerberos events are always identifiable by the $ after the computer account's name. Reference Links.