99 Ways to Cut Sew Trim & Tie Your T Shirt Into Something Special by Faith Blakeney available in Spiral/Comb on Powells.com, also read synopsis and reviews. 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-Shirt into Something Special [Faith Blakeney, Justina Blakeney, Anka Livakovic, Ellen Schultz] on Amazon.com.
I hate throwing away t-shirts. Most of them have sentimental value or a memory (or two or three) attached. Yet they're not always the right look (baggy, saggy, too tight, too short, too long). That's why I am so excited about this book, because it has some very practical and easy ways to transform those tees and give them new wardrobe life. Even I, clumsy with a needle and scissors, can follow the very well-laid out instructions. Cyberlink Powerdvd Ultra 7.3 Download. Download Software Iusb3 Root_hub30&vid_8086&pid_1e31 Driver. Next step: T-shirt Transformation Party! Was this comment helpful? .