Alfa Laval Heat Exchanger Sizing Program: Software Free Download

Luciana Salazar Rapidshare here. Only the basics. We've pre-engineered thousands of wort-cooling scenarios so that you can get the perfect chiller with zero fuss. You'll need to know the number of barrels your brewing setup is, the knockout time that you need to take your wort from boiling to your wort outlet temperature, and the inlet temperature of your cooling media. If sizing a two-stage unit, you'll be asked for a water temperature in and a glycol/chilled liquor temperature in. Screen Recorder No Root No Pc Apk. These are required as each stage of the unit will use a separate cooling media. If you still have questions, just start sizing and there will be further information to help you along the way.

Shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Of-the-art configuration and selection software for Alfa Laval air heat. AlfaSelect Air is available for free.