“Worship is God's gift of grace to us before it's our offering to God. We simply benefit from the perfect offering of the Son to the Father through the power of the Spirit (Ephesians 2:18). Worship is our humble, constant, appropriate, glad response to God's self-revelation and his enabling invitation. Apart from this perspective, leading worship can become self-motivated and self-exalting. We can become burdened by the responsibility to lead others and can think that we might not be able to deliver the goods. We subtly take pride in our worship, our singing, our playing, our planning, our performance, our leadership. Ultimately we separate ourselves from the God who drew us to worship him in the first place.

That Interpol The Trail Of Doctor Chaos V1.0 [pc-game] here. 's why biblical worship is God-focused (God is clearly seen), God-centered (God is clearly the priority), and God-exalting (God is clearly honored). Gathering to praise God can't be a means to some 'greater' end, such as church growth, evangelism, or personal ministry. God isn't a genie we summon by rubbing the bottle called 'worship.'

Bob Kauflin Song List

He doesn't exist to help us get where we really want to go. God is where we want to go.

Worship Matters Blog

So God's glory is the end of our worship, and not simply a means to something else. Cocteau Twins 320 there. In the midst of a culture that glorifies our pitiful accomplishments in countless ways, we gather each week to proclaim God's wondrous deeds and to glory in his supreme value. He is holy, holy, holy. There is no one, and nothing, like the Lord. Tf2 Spy Auto Backstab Hack. ” ―.