Apple2BuildPipeline A build pipeline for making Apple II software on OS X. Features: This project was built based on the one created by but it has been expanded to add the following features: • Attempts to hide all of the infrastructure which you don't need to modify in a make directory. • Supports linking together multiple C and assembly files. Lightwave Open Beta 1. To add a new file to the project, just create a new *.c or *.s file in the project directory. • If you change a header file, the right source files will rebuild automatically.

Software Build Pipeline

Header file dependencies are generated during the build. • Supports all cc65 Apple configurations. So, if you want to target enhanced Apple IIe's running DOS 3.3, knock yourself out.

Build Pipelines Software

Just set the configuration you want in the Makefile and the build will do the right thing to create a disk image for that configuration. • On Mac OS X, Virtual II will start when you build and the emulator with execute your program.

Continuous Delivery using Build Pipelines. Ant is an XML based scripting language tailored specifically for software build. To install the build pipeline.

This works for all supported cc65 Apple configurations. Also, it uses a machine configuration which is stored in the make directory in your project. That way, you can modify the machine configuration to be exactly the config you want to test under. • The Mac OS X deliverable is now an installer which will create an Xcode project template.