I am a senior software developer, architect, and project manager, specializing in.NET, JavaScript, Java, and database development, and build automation. I am currently a Lead Developer (.NET) / Developer IV for Paychex Enterprise Business Solutions. Paychex (PAYX) provides payroll, human resources, and benefits outsourcing and web-based solutions to business. Prior to Paychex, I served as Lead Software Engineer, Operations Manager, and Technical Product Manager at Bio-Optronics. Bio-Optronics develops, deploys and operates information technology solutions to help healthcare professionals manage and optimize workflow to enhance quality, productivity, and patient and staff satisfaction and safety. Previously, I held positions of President, COO, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and SVP of Technology for Lazer Incorporated. Lazer is a successful, digital imaging and Internet-based content management services provider.
For starters, you're going wrong here: char *var = 'abc'; int length = strlen(var); printf('length =%d n',length); char *outBuffer = malloc ( length * sizeof (char)); bzero(outBuffer,3); This is very confused code. It's mixing dynamic buffer length handling (the strlen() call) with static ones (the 3 in the bzero() call).
It's also Doing It Wrong, by using sizeof (char) (which is guaranteed to be 1 by the C language, and thus just adds noise and confusion). Also, the number of characters needed to hold a 3-character printable string in C is not 3, but 4 since you need one character for the terminating ' 0'.
This C program generates all possible combinations of a. C Program to Permute All Letters of an Input String. Deep Dive @ Sanfoundry: C Programming Examples. I am trying to print all possible combinations of the string 'abc' using C. The Wealthy Lancer Rapidshare Files. All possible combinations in a string in C. Lynda Photoshop For Web Design Download. Stdlib.h>void combination. Implement a function that prints all possible combinations of the characters in a string. Public string[] Combination(string str). Programming Puzzles & Code Golf. Combinations of a String. Question: Write an algorithm to print all possible combinations of characters in a string. Tagged c, easy, Programming.