Creation of a matching game with Flash and. I need creat a game memory. 100 pages + 31 source code examples to guide you through the creation of one of. Edac Study Guides Pdf Merge more.
How to prevent these mistakes in my future projects. Rewrite your program from scratch • Rewrite, from scratch, several times, as you progress in your skill and knowledge. • There is no absolutely correct code solution.
Your goal in re-writing is not to make it perfect but see how the code evolves - how it's easier to write, understand, change - as you apply good Object Oriented Programming practices and principles. • I guarantee the before and after picture will be an eye opener. • It's the journey, not the end. Let Reality be Your Guide • Build your code to refelct the real world of your problem. It will be more understandable and intuitive. • If the realities of writing detail code, how you have to write in the language to make things work, obscure what it's doing in reality then hide it in other methods and classes that do a better job of saying things in real terms. Classes • Go overboard on making classes.
Do the opposite of your sample code. The longer term goal is to see how lots of well focused classes makes the program better. Better to build, better to understand, better to modify. • Possibly making too many classes is fine for now. Shuffle Tick Tack Game. This is a learning process. Learn to think in terms of objects. • Work hard on puting things into the proper class.
• If it's a noun, make a class. • If it's a thing with some kind of independent identity, real or conceptual, make a class.
• Seriously, go overboard on making classes. You will find it is not as overboard as you first thought. • Think of what you do and what you do it to as separate things, generally.
Structure Your Classes • Everything is made of parts and so should your code. • Use class and data structure to make manipulating things easier. • Use class and data structure to make things reflect it's reality. • Knowing classic data structures - Arrays, Collections, trees, etc. Is absolutely indespensible.
• Composing your 'lots of' classes in a way that the parts do their individual things yet are a coherent whole is absolutely indespensible. • The Human Body is Object Oriented. The body (a class) has clearly defined connections ( interfaces) inside itself to interact with other internal parts ( classes); and interfaces on the outside to interact with the outside world. The parts are specialized and fundamentally independent.