Dreamtech Press/Wiley India, 2012. 5th or later edition. In this revised edition of Manning`s bestselling Hibernate in Action, authors Christian Bauer and Gavin King -- the founder of the Hibernate project -- cover Hibernate 3.2 in detail along with the EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence 1.0 standards. The book ends with detailed coverage of JBoss Seam, a revolutionary web application framework for Java EE that builds on EJB 3.0, JavaServer Faces, and Hibernate concepts. Contents:- Part I Getting Started with Hibernate and EJB 3.0 1? Understanding Object/Relational Persistence?

Hibernate In Action PdfR In Action Second Edition Pdf

Java Persistence with Hibernate. Java Persistence with Hibernate 2nd Edition. Revised Edition of Hibernate in Action Paperback. Java Persistance With Hibernate by Christian Bauer, Gavin King. Java Persistence with Hibernate: Second Edition of Hibernate in Action by Bauer Paperback; Wiley.

Starting a Project? Domain Models and Metadata Part II Mapping Concepts and Strategies? Mapping Persistent Classes?

Inheritance and Custom Types? Mapping Collections and Entity Associations? Advanced Entity Association Mappings? Legacy Databases and Custom SQL Part III Conversational Object Processing? Working with Objects? Transactions and Concurrency? Implementing Conversations?

Modifying Objects. Bookseller:, India. Dreamtech Press/Wiley India, 2012. 5th or later edition.

In this revised edition of Manning`s bestselling Hibernate in Action, authors Christian Bauer and Gavin King -- the founder of the Hibernate project -- cover Hibernate 3.2 in detail along with the EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence 1.0 standards. The book ends with detailed coverage of JBoss Seam, a revolutionary web application framework for Java EE that builds on EJB 3. Program No Ctl Installed 7975. 0, JavaServer Faces, and Hibernate concepts.

Contents:- Part I Getting Started with Hibernate and EJB 3.0 1? Understanding Object/Relational Persistence? Starting a Project? Domain Models and Metadata Part II Mapping Concepts and Strategies? Mapping Persistent Classes?