Marge Simpson. Twentieth Century Fox Marge Simpson is easy to recognize in her green, strapless dress, and piled-high blue hair. She's more than a mom, opening her own businesses or standing up for her beliefs. Although she's left Homer a few times (or kicked him out), she remains loyal to her husband. Best episode: 'A Streetcar Named Marge' takes Marge through an entire arc of emotions, from feeling bored as a housewife, to angry at Homer's neglect, to relief and love when Homer makes it clear he watched the play, and it made him understand her needs more. Maggie Simpson.
Twentieth Century Fox Maggie Simpson is more than just an accessory in the Simpson family. The mystery around her first words solved when Elizabeth Taylor famously voice her saying, 'Daddy' in 'Lisa's First Word. Best episode: In 'Homer Alone,' Maggie escapes the house while Homer does a poor job of babysitting.
Homer simpson smoking meth - YouTube. Someone told me Krusty pulled out a crack pipe in one episode, but I never. Homer simpson smoking meth - YouTube. Someone told me Krusty pulled out a crack pipe in one episode, but I never. View Krusty The Clown Smoking Moon Rocks pictures and then jump to the homepage to watch the funniest and most amazing videos selected by our editors. Hepped Up on Goofballs. Goodman (child welfare office) 'Marge, you tested positive for Crack and. Last Gasp With Krusty the Clown! Is sponsored.
She goes on an adventure, searching for Marge, who is at Rancho Relaxo. When Homer calls the 'missing baby department,' gets put on hold and listens to 'Baby Come Back.' Grandpa Simpson.
Twentieth Century Fox Grampa Simpson is the perfect stereotypical old person. He can't remember what he did yesterday, but he'll tell you his war stories over and over, frequently falling asleep in the middle.
He's proud and pathetic at the same time. Bionaire Steam Mop Manual. His teeth can be used in many ways.
Best of all, he's there when his family needs him for babysitting or lending money to buy a home. Best Episode: 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish' shows up that Grampa had quite a life before he became a geezer. During World War II, he was known as 'Raging Abe,' the leader of his platoon (think Howling Commandos). Turns how he and his comrades hid some priceless paintings, and one when of them dies, it's time for either Abe or Mr. Burns to cash in.
Twentieth Century Fox Mr. Burns is best when he's doing something evil.
His complete ignorance of Homer Simpson ('Who is that young go-getter, Smithers?' ) is a characteristic of his narcissism, because he has partnered with Homer for many ventures and adventures. Best episode: In 'Rosebud,' we find out that as a child Mr. Burns had a favorite teddy bear named Bobo. Burns employs desperate measures to get it back from Maggie Simpson, even taking over every TV channel in Springfield. Ned Flanders. Twentieth Century Fox Ned Flanders has been profiled in the Christian Science Monitor, as well as books like The Gospel According to The Simpsons.
He's sunny and funny, whether Homer likes it or not. Ned has faced his own demons and come out a winner, including a childhood with beatnik parents and the death of his wife, Maude. He surprised everyone with his shirtless turn in 'A Streetcar Named Marge.' Best episode: 'Hurricane Neddy' shows us that even the best Christian can stumble.