I've been gone for a while doing some stuffs I really should do. And this site has been left unupdated. But you guys kept coming, requesting song lyrics, leaving comments, and sending me messages. I've received a couple of messages asking me to update this site and have also received more than 2500 serious song lyrics requests so far. Nothing I can say, except 'Thank you so much for your support!' And 'Keep coming, guys.'

When you have something in your mind or you think the lyrics aren't correct enough, feel free to send me a message. I hope you enjoy this site more and more. Welcome to the site that really cares about getting the lyrics right.

My Boss My Hero Download

7 comments: said. Udah pernah nonton Dorama Jepang 'My Boss My Hero' blm? Lagu ini adalah soundtracknya. Klo gk slh, ni dorama diambil dr drama atau crita dr Korea. Sumpah, ni dorama kocak abis. LOL Jagoannya adalah semacam yakuza yg paling jago berantem.

Dr kecil (klo brantem) blm pernah kalah sekalipun (meskipun dikeroyok). Tp ni org bodoh bgt (gk bs berhitung + bergaul). Krn itu dy dsrh bokapnya nerusin sma lg (meskipun umurnya dh dkt 30-an;p), supaya nantinya bisa gantiin bokapnya yg mo pensiun jd boss. Asli, seru bgt mnrt gw. Bt yg blm nonton, buruan deh nonton. Anonymous said.

Gyahaha.setuju bged am 4drian. Ne Dorama.asli bikin sakit perut.ngliat tingkahnya tu yakuza. Tpi.gw kasi tPuk tgan buat akting dia pas nangis.huhuhu.

Muka bole serem.tpi pas nangis tetep aj jelek.(yaiya,mana ada org nangis raung2 cakep?)gyahaha. Ga nyesel da klo da dpet nton.hahaha.

Download My Boss My Hero Soundtrack Clip Mp3 Songs for Free! Gratis Download Lagu My Boss My Hero Soundtrack Clip Mp3. My Boss My Hero Soundtrack Clip songs is.

Eeh makasih yaa.akhirnya aku menemukan juga liriknya.:D dorama ini goblok banget!! Asli, konyol abisss!! Tapi terakhir2nya sedih.ni yakuza ternyata bisa nangis juga. Mukanya yg ganteng jadi jelek deh kalo nangis.

Heheee Raat Hindi Horror Movie. Anonymous said. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up! Anonymous said.