Full Archives Patches; Gameplay; League. League of Legends Patch 7.24b: 3 things to know. It’s the last patch of 2017 and you don’t even need to download it! Welcome to the Forum Archive! Check out the boards to join in the latest League of Legends. Patch 8.2 notes. Did you see where the Sightstone went? Patch 8.1 notes. Riot Games, League of Legends and PvP.net are trademarks, services marks.
What a season, what a season. Financial Times Edition. Patch 7.24b is here to close out the year for all of us. This patch is entirely balance based, and does some pretty nice work to ensure that more champions are playable over the next several weeks.
As the holiday season draws nearer, Rioters will be stepping away from development until early next year. We are done with new announcements and changes for 2017. All that remains now is to reminisce about the old rune system in front of a fire. But don’t worry, the first patch of season 8 is promised to hit around January 9 or 10. To hold you off until then, fighters are getting buffed, lethality items are getting toned down a bit and some of the more OP runes are getting reigned in.
There are a whole lot of champion changes Since this is the last patch of the year, Riot has really gone out of their way to buff some scary champions. Fighters in particular are getting some pretty significant buffs. Kayn is seeing an increase in his AD growth and healing potential.
Yasuo is also seeing some significant damage buffs. The Wonder Years 9th Wonder Zip. Aatrox, Kled and Renekton will also be gaining some fun new strengths.