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MMPI-2 Adult Interpretive Report (10. Dbx-to-pst-converter 7.4. 0) Sample Below you will find a sample of the MMPI-2 ADULT INTERPRETIVE REPORT including graphic printouts of the MMPI-2 clinical scales profile. As you can see, this patient's MMPI-2 performance yielded a 2-7/7-2 two-point code. This sample report shows you some of the many features provided by this program. To download a free trial of this program, click on the 'Free Trial ' button at the bottom of the page. MMPI-2 ADULT INTERPRETIVE REPORT Donald S. Strassberg, Ph.D., ABPP Leslie M. Cooper, Ph.D.

We are pleased to introduce the new You will be redirected to our new site in a few seconds, or click the link above. All Customer information has. Jan 13, 2018 MMPI 2 Scoring Software Tutorial 370 Items Buy: MMPI-2 Adult Interpretive Report (10.0) Sample. Below you will find a sample of the MMPI-2 ADULT INTERPRETIVE REPORT including graphic.

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VALIDITY AND CLINICAL SCALES PROFILES. CONTENT SCALE SCORES • L-52 • F-67 • K-62 • VRIN-55 • TRIN-52 • 1(Hs)-66 • 2(D)-78 • 3(Hy)-61 • 4(Pd)-52 • 5(Mf)-56 • 6(Pa)-57 • 7(PT)-77 • 8(Sc)-60 • 9(MA)-59 • 0(Si)-54 • ANX-67 • FRS-58 • OBS-69 • DEP-71 • HEA-67 • BIZ-51 • ANG-49 • CYN-53 • ASP-51 • TPA-66 • LSE-66 • SOD-49 • FAM-52 • WRK-58 • TRT-48 VALIDITY SCALES PROFILE INTERPRETATION This is most likely a valid profile. The individual appears to have understood the directions and to have been cooperative, careful, straightforward, and honest in responding to the test items. Consequently, the clinical scale profile is likely to present accurately the individual's current psychological status. MMPI-2 CLINICAL SCALES PROFILE INTERPRETATION This client's clinical scale profile corresponds to the 2-7/7-2 two-point code type. The 2-7 (7-2) is a common pattern, occurring among approximately 2.5% (1.7%) of male and 5.4% (1.2%) of female psychiatric inpatients and outpatients. Personality Features This profile suggests a pattern characterized by chronic anxiety [ANX], tension, distress, depression [DEP], and obsessive-compulsive features [OBS].

These individuals hold rigidly high standards for themselves and are chronically disappointed with their performance. They have strong needs for achievement and recognition which are constantly frustrated, leading to feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem [LSE]. These are worriers who regularly over-react to even minor sources of stress, irritation, and frustration. They are intrapunitive and often report feeling overwhelmed and pessimistic. Somatic complaints (many of which are rather vague, including fatigability) are often seen [HEA]. Their subjective distress and physical complaints are likely to be particularly severe when under stress (e.g., following what they perceive as a 'failure'). Despite their symptomatology, these are often very accomplished people.

Interpersonal Dynamics Patients with this profile often have the capacity for close interpersonal relationships, yet they can become rather passive and dependent, eliciting nurturant behavior from others, especially when under stress. They may also show difficulty being appropriately assertive. Additional Personality Characteristics (Single Scale) Scale 1 (Hs) Individuals scoring in this range of Scale 1 usually present themselves as physically ill, offering a number of somatic complaints [HEA], some of which are likely to be vague. They tend to be overly concerned about their physical well-being.