
Clients for Medievia: One of the best ways to play Medievia is to download and install a client program that connects to the game. Mudmaster 2K6 User's Guide.

MudMaster 2k6

MUD Client Timing Benchmarks and Features MUD Client Timing Benchmarks and Features Clients are listed in order of fastest to slowest. Test conducted on 22nd July 2000.

Client timing benchmarks and features Client Version Download size Executable size Time (secs) Lines kept 3.00 1.32 Mb 1.19 Mb 1.4 500,000 aAcCfFGikKLMnpPsStTuUwZz MUTT 0.1k 81 Kb 32 Kb 4 200 FGLMsTwuU MUDmaster 2000 609 Kb 676 Kb 5 unlimited AcCfFGikKLMsSTuUwz GMUD 1.9b 195 Kb 349 Kb 7 500 AcCfFGkLMPSTwuU Portal VI + Upgrade A 9.08 Mb 3.46 Mb 9 9,000 AcCfFGikKLmMnPtuUw zMUD 5.55 2.69 Mb 2.78 Mb 12 65,000 AcCdfFGikKLmMnpPsStTwz Pueblo 2.01 3.96 Mb 1,030 Kb 14 900 AcCfGikLMsStTUw Jaba MUD Client (JMC) 2.96c beta 246 Kb 408 Kb 18 30,000 AcCfFGikKLPsStTuU Rumbles 2.0 342 Kb 926 Kb 18.

Contents [] History Mud Master 2000 was started as a project of 's after being given the source code to Mud Master Console by Aaron O'Neil. Really a hobby more than anything else when it started, Mud Master 2000 has grown into free software with a life of its own. After countless hours spent coding and reworking code, testing build after build with Tim Bowen, Mud Master 2000 has moved into being (with conditions) and is now open for the public to tweak or improve. System requirements Mud Master 2000 requires the Windows operating system to be installed. Officially Mud Master 2000 is only written for Windows XP. However, one may have success running it on older operating systems (98SE, ME, NT, 2K) as long as they are up to date with system patches.

Program Features • Actions/Triggers: Match lines of text or patterns of text with wildcard characters. • Aliases: Create a virtually unlimited amount of command shortcuts allowing you to bundle multiple commands together. • Arrays: Single and two dimensional arrays can be created, limited only by the amount of memory you have. • Autoexec: Events that happen only once when you start up. • Chat: A built-in CLIENT TO CLIENT Talk with one or more people, transfer files, transfer commands (aliases, actions, etc.) • ChatSnoop: See what your chat partners see with 'snoop' as if you were them! • Commands: 196 Commands as of last count • Editable Text Input: Expanding text editing input bar at the bottom of the screen so incoming text will not scroll into your typing.

• Events: Schedule recurring actions to be taken after an amount of time. • Fullscreen Mode: Use as much of your desktop area as possible for your mud viewing and or tile multiple sessions.

• Fullscreen Scrollback: Review previous color text using the whole window. • Gags: Prevent lines of text from being displayed. Filter out unimportant spam to easily read what is important. • Highlights: Highlights change the color of incoming text. Match simple text to be highlighted. • History Buffer: The history buffer remembers the last 100 (default) commands you typed.

Press up-arrow to scroll through the list. • Lists: Store information in a sorted manner and recall it when needed. • Macros: Assign text or commands to the function keys and keypad.

Define keys by themselves, with shift, alt, control, or almost any combination. • Multiple Sessions: Open up Multiple session windows to use more than one character or connect to more than one MUD! Lg Cs460 User Manual there. • Plugins: Add-ons can be created for Mud Master 2000 by anybody who can write windows DLLs. • Procedures: 95 Procedures as of last count • Script Debugging: Scripting errors will send out to external debugging programs to aid in creating flawless scripts.