A Guide to the Ruby CSV Library, Part I. Related Topics: News. You don’t want to import a file with 300,000 lines all at once on a computer with 512MB RAM and. Dec 13, 2013 In this blog i'll demonstrate how to import CSV file data into your rails application using Ruby’s built-in CSV library.It allow users to import records.
I have written methods that manipulates CSV::Table objects for a rails application. It reads files using CSV.read(file_path) method. Download Australian Visa Form M67. However, the application logic has changed, and it's not reading from a local file anymore, but from a URL.
I can load the CSV file using open-uri gem open method; however it creates a StringIO object, that can be parsed into an array of rows, but I wasn't able to convert it into a CSV::Table object. How can I read a CSV file from URL and convert it into a CSV::Table object - so as I preserve the existing methods? I'm thinking of overwriting the existing CSV.open method that is used by CSV.read method, but I'm not sure how safe is to do that. Any suggestions?
In the last episode we talked about importing from CSV files to create records in your rails application, and in this episode we're going to talk about exporting those same records, we're going to use the same CSV libraries before, and you're going to want to make sure that you have a require 'csv' inside your application.rb, so put that right before require 'rails/all' require statement and restart your rails application. That will make sure that you have the csv library available in all cases. Lame 3.97 Exe.
Once you have that, we're simply going to take our user's route, and we're going to accept the format of CSV, so we're going to create a url here called /users.csv, and this.csv file extension in the url is automatically parsed by rails as a format. If we go to the users_controller.rb, first let's take a look at the routes, I have resources:users and that's going to be what sets up /users of course, and when we come to the controller, we have the index action and that will be what /users points into. In here we simply need to users_controller.rb.