Calibration Database Features Features: Unlimited number of tools can be entered. Define tools by tool types - calipers, micrometers, pin gauges, multimeters, etc. Each tool type can have a calibration work instruction created and linked to each tool type. Identify tool purchase dates, calibration status, calibration cycle, tool parameters, tolerances, calibration strategy - regularly calibrated, calibrated before use, reference only. Link picture of tool. Quickly view and search for tools by tool type, asset number, model no, calibration strategy, facility, work center, and/or departments.
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Manage internal or external calibration records. Create and define calibration measurement requirements for each tool designated to be calibrated internally. Define all measurements to be taken, the calibration standard used for each and the acceptable tolerance. Financial Times Edition.
Each out-of-tolerance measurement creates a incident record. Comodo Antivirus Reports Turned Off. PER ISO 9001 requirements, an assessment must be completed regarding any product that may have used the out-of-tolerance tool. Closure of out-of-tolerance measurements is required before tool is returned to service. Quickly view and search tools calibration history, calibration certificates, calibration results and failure reports. Automatic email notifications for expired tools, tools needing calibration in 30 and 60 days. Visible Alerts for expired tools, tools in calibraiton process.