Go beyond the approximations of the nomograph to a detailed and precise computational solution for the complex problem of culvert hydraulics with XPCULVERT. Download Box Culverts Design Programs - best software for Windows. LRFD Box Culvert Program: LRFD Box Culvert is a Mathcad 15 program that allows you to design. Software for circular culvert design and analysis using Manning equation.
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The FEMA-approved CulvertMaster is hands down the best tool available for solving culvert hydraulics problems. Incredibly flexible, fast, report-ready, and stress-free, CulvertMaster builds on the input you have on-hand while providing what you are missing: • Fast: Quickly deliver robust, report-ready culvert designs. CulvertMaster builds on the input you have on hand, providing you with any unknown design variable such as headwater depth, discharge, or culvert size. • Easy: From simple, single culvert sections to complex, multi-barrel culverts with roadway overtopping, CulvertMaster helps you evaluate existing culverts and compare numerous design options with ease. • Reliable: Use the built-in FHWA HDS-5 methodology, SCS and rational hydrology, and robust gradually varied flow hydraulics to deliver culvert designs that will stand the test of time. To model full stormwater systems, consider.