How To Mount Iso File Using Poweriso

Alcohol 120 is a Windows-based software that allows users to create back-up copies of CDs, DVDs and games. Home-based users use the software to retain good, unscathed copies of discs they wish to keep and use in the future. Business professionals utilize the software to copy and create backups of important software and programs they rely upon regularly. Featured customers include Samsung, Adobe, Dell, Warner Brothers and NASA, among others. Alcohol 120, produced by Alcohol Soft, offers a straight-forward process to help you preserve any media with backup copies.

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.MDS and.MDF files are created using Alcohol 120% or Alcohol 52%. How to Mount MDF & MDS Files. Click the 'Mount File' button on the WinMount toolbar.

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Best Answer: No, Alcohol 120% cannot make.iso or.nrg files. It can only make.mds files/image. But it can mount.iso and.nrg files. To mount this files using alcohol,you have to go to the mount option and then specify the address of the image..nrg files/image is created by nero using nero burn image. If u have nero image drive and it is enabled,then u can directly mount.nrg files..iso files are created by ultraiso and it can mount.iso files/images.

I suggest you to download a tool called Daemon Tool. It can mount almost all forms of image files. Hope this will solve your problem. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.

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