Trial' rules published on the Epic 'Playtest. PDF from the game's official website. Rules set (for two opposing Space Marine. NetEpic Gold Core Rules - The EPICentre: Home of NetEPIC - Home.

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In Epic: Armageddon, you can use squares or rectangles, as long as 1 side is at least 20mm. As to rules, the attached file below is the Epic: Armageddon Compendium, 2.0. It's the current rules for E:A, with GW's errata added into it. I can't speak for NetEpic, but I'm sure someone will be along to inform you. From what I can tell you, E:A is GW's official rules for the game.

Epic Space Marine

NetEpic is its own beast, modified by the online community. It also has its own army lists. Filename COMPENDIUM_2.0_EN.pdf Description File size 1120 Kbytes This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/08/08 21:11:16.

Ages ago when the long rectangular bases came out GW supposedly did some play testing and discovered that the older square bases didn't have much of an impact on game play. They were easier to hide behind cover, but easier to deal with via area effect attacks so said do what you will. I have mixtures of both in my armies for Epic. As for the version, NetEpic is the follower of the original two Space Marine Versions and Titan Legions and includes all of the detail inherent to those systems. If you like your epic scale game rolling tons of dice for single vehicles, by all means give it a go.

I started playing Epic with Adeptus Titanicus, which was the first version that only included titans and I loved the 2nd edition Space Marine game, don't get me wrong, but when the IG stormhammer tank was released I realized that something had to give for the scale. A company of 3 stormhammer tanks, attacking against opponents in a shorter range band required the rolling of *39* dice just to make the attacks for those 3 tanks.

It is still a great game, but larger games can take a *long* time to finish because of the all the dice involved. When Epic 40k came out it completely changed the game concept got rid of the specifics of vehicular weapons and, IMNSHO, finally brought the game to a truly Epic scale. In massive large scale battles it doesn't matter that Tank A has 2 battlecannons, 4 las cannons and 12 stormbolters on it. All that really matters is its overall effectiveness on the battle.

A lot of people really hated the switch, but I really liked it. The game flows a lot better, takes less time, but still captures the feel of the large scale 40k battlefield, without having to remember a half dozen fiddly little rules for *every* vehicle in your force. There is a much more perceptive flow of battle in Epic 40k as well. Switching over we went from playing one large point game in 6 hours to playing 2 in about 3 hours. Much more enjoyable day for all and if we really wanted to push the 6 hour mark as before we could get in 4 different games during the same time frame.

Either game is fun to play, there is no denying that. Some minis are harder to find than others (like a lot of the specialized chaos engines for nurgle, slaanesh and Tzeentch), but all can be used in both systems.

I'm sure by now someone has made Epic 40k lists for armies that were not included in the original rules so even army choice shouldn't be a limiting factor as to which game you choose to play. All you need to decide is do you want a game that is scaled to the Epic scale that is less detailed in unit rules, or do you want a game that plays more like regular 40k just using a ton of smaller miniatures?? Of course given that you can get both sets of rules for free now you can actually play both as your mood takes you. The only thing I would really like to see for Epic is for GW to rerelease the original lines of figures again.