BACKGROUND: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) show unusual social behaviors and repetitive behaviors. Some of these behaviors, e. Dead Grandparents Wedding Program. g., time spent in an area or turning rate/direction, can be automatically tracked. Automated tracking has several advantages over subjective ratings including reliability, amount of information provided, and consistency across laboratories, and is potentially of importance for diagnosis, animal models and objective assessment of treatment efficacy. However, its validity for ASD has not been examined. In this exploratory study, we examined associations between rating scale data with automated tracking of children's movements using the Noldus EthoVision XT system; i.e., tracking not involving a human observer. Isunshare Product Key Finder Serial. Based on our observations and previous research, we predicted that time spent in the periphery of the room would be associated with autism severity and that rate and direction of turning would be associated with stereotypies.