Sybron Endo Fa-s File Adapter

Nov 10, 2012 Oracle SOA Technology Adapters: Enabling High Availability for. Modify Oracle File Adapter deployment. Instances run in a cluster.

Oracle SOA Technology Adapters: Enabling High Availability for Oracle File and FTP Adapters The Oracle File and FTP Adapters enable a BPEL process or an Oracle Mediator to read and write files on local file systems and on remote file systems through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). These adapters support high availability for an active-active topology with Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Mediator service engines for both inbound and outbound operations. To make Oracle File and FTP Adapters highly available for outbound operations, use the database mutex locking. Using the Database Mutex Locking Operation Make an outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter service highly available using database table as a coordinator. The steps and configuration options for the FTP adapter are exactly the same as the options for the file adapter.

The connection factory to be used for FTP HA configuration is eis/Ftp/HAFtpAdapter which appears under the Outbound Connection Pools for the FTPAdapter deployment. To make outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapters highly available, modify Oracle File Adapter deployment descriptor for the connection-instance corresponding to eis/HAFileAdapter from the Oracle WebLogic Server console: • Log into your Oracle WebLogic Server console. To access the console navigate to the following URL: servername: portnumber/console • Click Deployments in the left pane for Domain Structure. • Click FileAdapter under Summary of Deployments on the right pane.

• Click the Configuration tab. • Click the Outbound Connection Pools tab, and expand javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory to see the configured connection factories. • Click on Lock & Edit. After this, the property value column becomes editable (you can click on any of the rows under 'Property Value' and modify its value). The new parameters in connection factory for Oracle File and FTP Adapters are as follows: controlDir: Set it to the directory structure where you want the control files to be stored. You must set it to a shared location if multiple WebLogic Server instances run in a cluster. Easycap 4 Channel Usb Dvr Software.

Structure the directory for shared storage as follows: ORACLE_BASE/admin/ domain_name/ cluster_name/fadapter inboundDataSource: Set the value to jdbc/SOADataSource. Lg Nortel Wireless Router Manual. This is the data source, where the schemas corresponding to high availability are pre-created. The pre-created schemas can be found in the following directory: ORACLE_HOME/rcu/integration/soainfra/sql/adapter/createschema_adapter_oracle.sql If you want to create the schemas elsewhere, use this script.

You must set the inboundDataSource property accordingly if you choose a different schema. OutboundDataSource: Set the value to jdbc/SOADataSource. Iso 9001 Posters. This is the data source where the schemas corresponding to high availability are pre-created.

The pre-created schemas are located in the following directory: ORACLE_HOME/rcu/integration/soainfra/sql/adapter/createschema_adapter_oracle.sql If you want to create the schemas elsewhere, use this script. You must set the outboundDataSource property if you choose to do so. OutboundDataSourceLocal: Set the value to jdbc/SOALocalTxDataSource. This is the datasource where the schemas corresponding to high availability are pre-created. OutboundLockTypeForWrite: Set the value to oracle if you are using Oracle Database.

By default the Oracle File and FTP Adapters use an in-memory mutex to lock outbound write operations. You must choose from the following values for synchronizing write operations: memory: The Oracle File and FTP Adapters use an in-memory mutex to synchronize access to the file system. Oracle: The adapter uses Oracle Database sequence. Db: The adapter uses a pre-created database table ( FILEADAPTER_MUTEX) as the locking mechanism. You must use this option only if you are using a schema other than the Oracle Database schema. User-defined: The adapter uses a user-defined mutex.