C# Registrykey

Thanks for the quick turn around! =) That did the trick on your post. I've been playing around with various scripts all morning, but I'd like to be able to share my code with you. Vertex Vx-3200v Software more. Alcazar Disco Defenders Music. My end goal is to be able to query sets of machines for all keys below a reg path and output to CSV for filtering. I have the main part working but I can only send the output to the console. I am having trouble with properly sending to CSV.

Building off poshcode.org/615 - I get-content from servers.txt and want to have a table like the following that has dynamic number of columns depending upon the included registry keys in that path: Example path = HKLM SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Power Example CSV output = Hostname Subkeys CustomizeDuringSetup HiberFileSize ---------------------------------------------------- server1 (ListAllSubkeys) Value1 Value2 server2 (subkey1,subkey2. I made two adjustments to the member point system: Posting a blog comment: 20 points (before 10 points) Liking content: 2 points (maximum 6 points per day) (before 1 point) You can currently get 20 points for a reply in the forum and I think a blog comment has essentially the same value because it usually is a reply to a reader question. I think the two points for a like are justified because we have a few ways to receive 1 point for activities with lesser value for the community such as visiting a page. The complete list of all activities with their points is. Let me know what you think and if other adjustments are necessary. I should mention that posts in the community forum are also rewarded with points.

1 Are you expecting to 'login' to each computer in [computer.csv] with independent credentials or are you going to use the same credentials for all connections? The same code you provided only works, if RemoteRegistry has been enabled on the remote side and the credentials used to run the script has 'admin' access to the remote registry. OpenRemoteBaseKey will use the implicit credentials of the running user, establishing the connection using IPC If you need to prompt and use single creds, then you'll need to define those outside the foreach loop. Also you'll need to change the connection method to the remote registry, possibly use WMI or some other method that allows you to supply credentials, as [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryK ey] only uses the invoker's credentials.

Network & Servers I'm attempting to use powershell to access a remote registry like so:$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine. Mount Iso File Using Alcohol 120 more. Aug 21, 2015 Hello, I am having a the problem: Exception calling 'OpenRemoteBaseKey' with '2' argument(s): 'The network path was not found. When running: [Microsoft.