Wow 3.3 5 Grid Addons

3.3.5+ Healer UI? AddOn Search. I haven't played WoW in several. The only thing I'm still not 100% sure about is Grid. What addons/settings/etc do you use in. Guides, tutorials, specs, talent builds and tutorials for Molten-WoW and other 3.3.5/4.0.6/4.3.4 World of Warcraft servers. Addon List (WoW 3.3.5).

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Well, I know for a fact that when I played there was multiple so called 'working' ElvUis that I downloaded and none of them worked. I found one of them on the molten forum. Just cuz people have a link to something doesn't mean it's working.

The newer one (posted in February) looks like it actually works but based on the comments and stuff from the second one, it seems like the same crap I downloaded. It has the colors and looks but has 1000 bugs. Reading further I found this. Your ElvUI Download for 3.3.5a is actually TukUI.

Even though made by the same author they are quite different UI's. I've been looking for 3.3.5a version for ElvUI and was so excited to see this. So disappointed now. Build Pipeline Software. Taken directly from the comments, which is exactly what I remember. TukUI is great but took way to much work in LUA settings outside of the game to get to work properly so I never liked it. The way I see it, the first official working ElvUI for 3.3.5 (other than the original) is this new one posted in February.

Again though, thank you for the links. And thank you for the hostility when asked a simple question.