Item.100670 MacInTouch Reader Hard drive just failed on an 18-month old MacBook (white). The drive was Hitachi Travelstar 7K. The MacBook was upgraded with this and 2 GB RAM immediately after the purchase. The same drive in a Mini, purchased and installed at the same time, shows no signs of problems. The MacBook showed signs of excessive heating over the last several months, despite being mostly used on a flat surface.
Therefore, I would have to hypothesize that it is not only Apple-supplied drives or lack of sufficient memory that cause hard drive failures, but this could be related to the design of the case itself. Item.104713 Rowland Jobson Anyone out there with Seagate Momentus ST9120822as 3.cae? Apparently there are 100's if not 1000's of people out there with these drives that died. I'd encourage us to band together to take a class action suit against Seagate in the US This is a known problem. I have contacted over 20 hard drive recovery labs and they all say the same thing. They have had large numbers of these drives and data is very hard if impossible to recover! Email me if you want to take this up.
I personally think it is an outrage they did not inform Apple owners or the other users of this model drive. Item. Road Pilot Micro Go Software. 104769 Paul Huang In the original MacBook (and possibly the current flat-rubber-bottom MacBook), heat dissipation has been a major problem. In addition to the Seagate you mentioned, I have noticed that over the last 3.5 years, the hard drive failure rate for MacBook is higher than normal. Countless MacBook users had their hard drives replaced within warranty and even AppleCare. When hard drive fails, there are two priorities: 1. Get the data back 2. Put in a new drive and get it going immediately No one in the right mind would make an appointment, waste sometimes 2 days to get to the Apple Store, or even send it in and lose 36 hours to 7 days of productivity.
My MBP (2.33 GHz, Core2Duo) gets extremely hot. Following Apple discussions, it maybe normal. Normal but hot, especially the left part. Motorm4x 100 Save Game more. Photoimpact 6 Italiano Adobe. I have heard about CoolBook.
Worse yet, what you receive in exchange could be a refurbished drive *of the same capacity.* Owners of those MacBooks with 60GB/80GB/120GB/160GB hard drives often opt for a much larger capacity such as 250GB/320GB/500GB (prices range from $50 to $90). In just 45 minutes, the computer is up and running. This is why Apple may claim that 'we have not noticed that the MacBook hard drives' failure rate is higher than other portable products we have'. Item.104793 Gary Kellogg I sympathize with Rowland Jobson's anger over his hard drive failure. However, the drum has been beating so long and so loud for backup that my sympathy is tempered a bit. As for the lawsuit, I have been in 'classes' that won these suits. I have not knowingly been in the classes, but one day every so often a big thick envelope arrives with a procedure so arcane to obtain a handful of coins so small that it isn't worth my time to respond, much less a postage stamp.