Well, we all knew it was coming eventually: an “” DVD workout program. UFC Fit is the hot new home MMA workout created by UFC super-coach (and well known diet guru) Mike Dolce. Since it was released it has exploded in popularity, both in North America and in Australia as well. The release of a UFC-inspired home workout certainly comes as no surprise. Over the past decade mixed martial arts and the Ultimate Fighting Championship have cemented their places in the worldwide sporting ecosystem. Americans, in particular, can’t get enough of it.

UFC fights regularly sell out in Las Vegas. There are UFC-branded TV shows, video games, clothing, action figures, and fitness equipment. One of the hottest new gym franchises in the fitness industry is the “UFC Gym” line of training centers popping up all over the United States. Members get to learn some jiu jitsu, “spar” with each other in real boxing rings, and burn some fat in the process. Now we have UFC Fit and millions of people are, understandably, jumping online looking for real reviews of the new workout system.

So we thought we’d do a quick review and cover the most important things to know — both good and bad — to help you decide if this is the right home workout for you. Get Trained By One Of The Best MMA Trainers Mike was hand picked to be the trainer for the UFC Fit program. He is the real deal and does not cut corners. In 12 weeks Mike is going to help you cut weight, build lean muscle and increase your energy through the same methods and principals he personally uses to train other mma fighters.

Free Shipping. Buy UFC Fit Complete 12-Week Home Training Fitness Exercise Workout Program DVD Set at Walmart.com. Feb 26, 2014 Get a free UFC FIT workout. An Ultimate Challenger workout with Mike Dolce and the UFC FIT team! Try UFC FIT™ & You're GUARANTEED to. More Ufc Fit Workout Program videos.

What’s even more impressive Mike has his own personal story of losing a ton of weight doing these same exercises. Download Icewarp Merak Mail Server 9.4.2 Crack Math Board Game Names. on this page. Check out his results. UFC FIT creator and coach Mike Dolce will help you lose weight, gain strength and increase your energy.

See amazing results in 12 weeks, all in your home. 9 Important Things to Know About UFC Fit 1. Real MMA workouts are based around cardio training, and this one is no different.

Just like boxers, mixed martial artists know that skill and technique go out the window if you get winded during a fight. Brian Eno John Cale Wrong Way Up Rar. So the focus here is on burning calories, shedding body fat, increasing functional “fighting” strength, and quickly improving cardiovascular fitness — not building lots of new muscle mass. UFC Fit is similar to other popular home workouts, like and Insanity, in that it is based around high intensity interval training (HIIT) and bodyweight calisthenics training exercises. It’s broken up into 4 separate three-week training segments and is designed to rapidly improve conditioning while also increasing flexibility. The program includes a “jump start” program called the 3 Day Shred, which is based on techniques used by Mike Dolce to help his fighters make weight before fights.

Ufc Fit Dvd

Dolce is considered to be one of the top fat loss experts in the sport and even has his own Dolce Diet program, used by many successful professional and amateur fighters. The workouts aren’t too long or too short, lasting 25 to 40 minutes each.

But there are very few true rest breaks so you’ll be jacking your heart rate up quickly and keeping the tempo up until the end. Very little equipment is required. Two sets of dumbbells (or one set of adjustable dumbbells) and a mat are all that are needed to complete the entire system.

It’s a good idea to go a bit lighter than what you may be used to in the gym, poundage-wise. After just a few minutes of any hardcore MMA cardio workout, even a couple 10 pound dumbbells can seem heavy. Unlike many “meathead” mixed martial arts coaches and trainers, Mike Dolce really is a true fitness expert who knows how to teach and communicate clearly.